Tuesday 8 November 2016

So... I made a new blog (Introduction)

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It's in the title. I made a new blog, guys!

For some time, I've been writing on Blogger, creating a blog called L.I.F.E (Living in a Full-Time Era). Named after a De La Soul song on 3 Feet High & Rising, the blog was for me to express my opinions on hip-hop (or sometimes alternative and R&B) albums, old and new. Right now, I've put that on a little break and decided to create a new blog, which is the opposite of my other one, reviewing movies and TV shows that have interested me over the past few years. Welcome to The Cameras are Rolling...

I normally show off my interest in music. From a young age, I've always been interested in music. I wasn't really eager to learn instruments like that, but I loved listening to music and finding new shit to vibe to. But, I also had an interest in movies and TV. I remember dreaming to become a businessman and work with a lot of companies. I just hardly show my interest in movies & TV on social media as much as I do with my music interest. Which is why I created this blog, as a way to show my movies/TV interest. Not only will I be reviewing albums, but I will use this blog to review movies and television series, animation, live-action, whatever. Just a place to express my opinion, I might touch on a few articles and how I feel about it.

So yeah, this is just the introduction. I'm not gonna start blogging on here straight away, but doesn't mean my first review isn't coming. I just wanted to tell you readers about this. Look out for more reviews for me, both on here and the L.I.F.E. blog.

The Cameras are Rolling...

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